I miss my ex so much right now...not all the b.s. that he put me though or the damn lies that he tended to tell me I miss his voice and his touch. I miss the way that he made me feel beautiful on my crazy days and the way he could always make me laugh. I miss having him as my best friend....... I miss the way he would make me forget the fact that I was sad by doing something stupid..(smile).. and I really miss telling him about my day. I'm not in love with him anymore I just really ,miss his company. Sometimes after a date with a new lil dude I pick up the phone to call him the minute that I walk though the door... I really do miss him some times..... Don't get me wrong I don't want him back but I do miss his friendship. And since I'm being really honest I admit that I do kinda....ok really.... miss having his arms around me. I have yet to fall as hard for anyone as I did for him and I really just want to know when My Mr. Right is going to get hear because I am so damn tired of the Mr. Right Nows who are all Mr. Wrongs.... Where is my Man????? I want a meaningful relationship and I don't understand why it's taking me so very long to find one that's right.