Mr. picture man

I want her picture painted
like they used to do before cameras
but you don't have to truly capture her appearance
I want you to capture her soul
etch it across canvas so that it lives on for others to see
Mr.picture man choose a bright color to that they can see the smiles hiding inside
and a dark one to showcase her pain
I want you to paint her
maybe a blue for the tears that she has shed in this life
maybe a green to show the life she leaves behind
it doesn't have to resemble a person
but instead maybe a ray of colors that resemble her mind
I want you to paint her the way she is
no camouflage
I want to see the anger the disappointments, sadness,... hurt I want to her as she is
pick a yellow to show the brightness she has brought us all
possibly a red to show frustration
Mr.picture man I want you to paint her
can you show her love and selflessness her indifference and selfishness
I want this picture to be of her
I want to sit for hours and glaze upon it knowing that it is of someone beautiful
someone human
Mr. picture man I want her memory captured, her pictured painted


I love fall bloggers, the colors, the wind, night chills and warm days. I really do love it. Fall kinda makes me go love crazy as well. I always want to be in a relationship during this time of year. I have all these ideas of the perfect fall date, picnics in the park, walks through the zoo, car rids in the country. Unfortunately my relationships always head south right before this time of year...  meaning dateless and single me. .. Maybe that's why I love the idea of fall love. Oh well maybe in the spring I can walk in the rain while holding his hand. *Hopeless Romantic

HI ...LONG TIME...and all that jazz

I haven't written in a while I know but between work and class I just don't really have the time to think much less blog. I have so missed just putting down my thoughts. So how am I? Well to be honest  the summer was horrible for me all the way around... car trouble... hair trouble... fashion trouble ... I don't know something about 100 degree heat and no air does that to me BUT fall is here and I for one LOVE the fall. So new car check... hair experiments... check... and I'm working on the fashion. I am ready for... EVERYTHING. Still fat yall ... I'm always honest about that. Am I disappointed in me yeah BUT everyday is a new day to get better ... thinking about printing up an old friends pics or at least looking at them often to convince myself that its possible....Joining weight watchers soon, wish me luck. I imagine that WW is like AA for fat ppl..." Hello my name is Pamieka and I'm a foodaholic"