Still Mieka. Still Pretty. More Me

Church On Sunday- Grace

Trust Issues

This relationship shit tho...! not that I'm in one. lol. I'm again single. Yall I got some serious trust issues ..

Him- "Mieka I want to be with you
Me- "uuummmm"
Him- "What does that mean"
Me- "IDK... I mean I just ... well.. ummm"

It means that for some reason, something that you have already did got me thinking you playing... and I just do not have the time for non-sense.

I've done the whole love thing before and when its good, its wonderful, laugh when its raining wonderful, but hunni when its bad....
So I have some real trust issues people
It's not that I think that all men are bad, but if I get any feeling At all that it's not right ....



                      It's funny how 2 years become 5 years and 5 years become 10.

10 years ago I was 23 and I just knew that there was         something out there that was MORE. 2 years later I was still convinced that this MORE was real and 5 years after that I think I was just at a stand still. At 33 I'm once again searching for my MORE. More love, more confidence, more happy, more

 And I'm excited because I realize now more than ever that I am responsible for my MORE. It seems crazy to say that because we are always responsible for our life, our happy and whatever state of being that we wish to receive, unfortunately we don't all see that at 7 or 14 or even 21 so we continue to wait for this BIG thing to happen to us that only we can make happen for ourselves.
So here I am 33, making plans to return to school to have more, be more and achieve more because I know that I'm worth it and smart enough to obtain it. So here I am at 33 and I'm ok with who I am and even though I'm not Dr. Adams or Ms. CEO or simply Mrs. I am a person who realizes that you only get one life and that my choices are mine, my happiness is mine and so what if I'm not completely 'there' yet's a process and I'm more than willing to smile on my way to wherever 'there' is.

Pamieka La Joy Adams 


We haven't forgotten who you were to us
your laugh or your smile
We remember
there are still days we cry and nights where your memory keeps us awake
we don't go months or days without thinking about you
 sometimes we only go seconds
our tears still fall and we still smile with thoughts of you
We remember
and we miss you.
We haven't forgotten just who we were to you
the love you gave so easily
or the time you shared so caringly
The world continues to turn and leaves to fall
but our hearts are ever filled with you
our minds always holding you
True love doesn't die
it simply gets stronger as time pass
We remember

....No one knows a fool until he speaks

I really need to be more careful with how I say things. My tone can be awful. I promise that it's not always intentional, but hunni do some stuff come out ugly. I've got to fix that. Sometimes I get so caught up in what I'm saying that I forget How I'm saying things.
I didn't make any resolutions this year but this year I want be more conscious of how I treat people. I think that I am a nice person but sometimes I become so consumed with weather someone is attempting to hurt me in some way that I end up lashing out defensively and even if they are wrong in what they say or do I want to walk away not feeling like I need to apologize.

TIDE no R needed

Yall I am TIDE no R needed.

I need a vacay from everything … mostly work. The good news is I finally made the first move to completing my education, which was my goal when I came to this company almost 3 years ago. Crazy how plans change huh? I need 2 vacations, 1 with my friends who I almost never see anymore (maybe the dude) and one just in my apartment by myself (no dude) with about 50 books. It was such a bad idea for me to schedule myself for all these damn hours. Tide is not a good look for me. I need to do my hair, some skin treatments, I need to sleep, and I’m moody as hell. I go from wanting to punch somebody in the face to crying all in 24 hours. I am stressed the f...ummm freak out!!  And wouldn’t you know it, on my off day I have agreed to have my niece and God-daughter over for food and movies…… the stupid things we do.