Let's just be

Let me hold you, love you, comfort you.. in my arms you don't have to worry about a thing, in my arms it's just you and me.... take my hand and let me lead you to our bedroom where the outside world doesn't matter it's just us ... we can start with a slow dance ... pull me in your arms and hold me tight ..
lets forget about work and everything that causes stress ....
I want to just be in your arms tonight remembering the first time I saw you fell in love with you the first time you made me laugh with one of your corny jokes that I have come to love...
The first time you kissed me, caressed me...
Lets just dance..
hold me close to you with no intention of letting me go ... the same way I hold you in my heart
... Baby lets just be ...
lets forget about work and everything that causes stress ....
I want to just be in your arms tonight remembering the first time I saw you fell in love with you the first time you made me laugh with one of your corny jokes that I have come to love...
The first time you kissed me, caressed me...
Lets just dance..
hold me close to you with no intention of letting me go ... the same way I hold you in my heart
... Baby lets just be ...
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