I think that I... Love you. I'm not sure when it happened I only know that it has. and I want you. Can see all my tomorrows at your side and ever smile shared with you. I sometimes spend hours thinking of you. That first time that I head you. My ears found you before my eyes ever saw you. Your voice calling out to me across the crowed room. It was as if you were standing beside me, talking only to me. And then as I was trying to put a face with that beautiful voice you laughed and I know at that second I wanted all your laughs to belong to me. I'm not sure what I expected you to look like but I was far from being disappointed. Man.... I think....I think I love you. I wasn't ready for this and at the same time more then ready for you. I've been looking for what has seemed like forever for ... well ....for.... you. So unperfect in every way yet so perfect for me. So happy that I have found you...so happy to have you....so happy...
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