Ok people so a..humm what so call her... a classmate of mine recently told me that she checked herself into a mental institution... Yes really. She isn't living there but she now has to see a psychologist and take some medication. Wired... at least to me. She also told me that she has head voices .... really freaking wired. So ok bloggers here's where I'm at on this whole situation in case you didn't catch it. FREAKIN WHAT IS UP!!? I'm all about helping people bloggers ..I'm not at all a selfish person.... moody..yes.. bossy..lol yes... and as friends and family keep telling me lately maybe a bit of a witch.. well maybe that should be a b.... But still not selfish. But I just really can't help someone who's hearing voices...that is just beyond the bounds of friendship, at least for me. Floating voices that only you can hear.. I can't help you with .. so now we are at an impasse how do you tell... or rather in my case no longer invite convo to... someone in need? tell that person you can't speak to them anymore?.. It sounds harsh yall I know but what happens when this voice tells her to 'do harm to Pamieka'.... No I don't think so... I mean I always thought that was some white people crap (no offense ..really) only ya black behind is now saying that a voice told you to break the law ummm I'm sorry but I can't play with it...
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