
it's been a while bloggers I know but  let me explain... I have been simply sick for almost a month now. On the 26th of last month I went to the hospital because I was having really bad abdominal pain.. very bad.. So from the dates of the 26th- the 31st I was in the hospital in my hometown. On the day they released me I was still in pain and also having fevers, so a day later my aunt came to get me and brought me to her city. There I could get another opinion. Turns out my appendix  had ruptured..could have died bloggers...But wait did I 4get to mention that my aunt and grandmother both asked the previous doctor if that was the issue and he said no... yeah thats right in his professional opinion there was no problem with my appendix. But anyway...had the surgery...was in the hospital that time another six days, came home and whatya know a few days later I developed an infection so back to the hospital I went. This is again my 6th day ..7th night.... this has been a long ..loooonnng journey but I think I'm finally improving. By the way spent my B-day here all that crazy stuff I was sayin bout wanting my friend to do something for me and I was sick ...she had to work and still came all the way out to see me....