..and he's married/stupid

I wont lie I kinda... ummm love it when he whispers in my ear
and on those rainy nights ... when lighting is rolling across the sky
his body ignites flames within me
\and his arms comforts me
His voice yall...ooohum his voice
my body warms when he speaks
he is...not mine
He belongs to she
and on most nights its her he lay with
but he loves me
told me he loved me
looked in my eyes sincerely and said the words
he opens my door, send me flowers
and every night b4 bed he calls
...well except those night when
he has she
But he loves me
ran his hands down my face oh so gently
and he said the words to me
His smile makes me smile
and when he grabs my hand
and pull my close... girrrrrl
but he's not ....mine
I'm not number 1 or even number 2
But he loves me he told me so
calls me on the phone just to tell me so
he has she but maybe not for long
I hope ...not... for long
told me he loves me more
wants me more
he's gon be with me see he loves me.