Have you ever just wanted someone to be.. what they wasn't? Just wanted them to be .. more? That is how I feel about a lot of people in my life. I want them to be more strong, more kind.. more...THEM. The selfish thing is that I don't know if I want them to be this way for themselves or ... for me. I want them to be more hard working, more giving, more loving, more so that they can be someone I can love more, respect more. I want them to want more then just what they have, to be more then just what they are.I keep meeting all these people who seem to almost be missing something... to not have enough of .. something. People who need MORE.
I recently started to chat with a guy I used to date, and their are so many good things about him that maybe some other woman would be happy to call him her own, but I don't think that I would. I would like him to be more.. someone who I want to be more for. And while he is highly educated in the way of books and school.. I think his education is very lacking when it comes to women.. if only he knew..more.
Maybe the problem bloggers is that I need to be more. More understanding, more nice,... more ME. I don't know but the world seems to be full of empty people needing to be filled.
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