I can't breathe when you're here
I loose my breath when you come around ...panting and unable to use words correctly because all that I want to say to you gets lost somewhere between my brain and my mouth I see only black when I see you because the anger that caused me to see red has gone so deep that I only see a dark void where you stood empty of feelings and emotions you make me sick my stomach begins to hurt at the mention of ya name my head begins to bang and my okay or happy day turns into one filled with pain... and yet I would never want to hurt you. see when I look at you I still see that little girl you used to be. So full of hope and laughter, so full of love ... and I miss that want that back not just for me but for you ... for these new lives that you have brought into the world.
I remember you before him... before you turned into her, before when your heart was filled with more than this one nothing ass....male. What happened to you? When did you become this insecure woman who needs a man to define you? when did simply being you stop being enough.
I hate the way I feel when I'm near you. I hate how you put my emotions in a spin of love,hate and indifference. I don't know what to say to you anymore because your thoughts are no loner just yours they are his. His favorite color is now yours, his habits are yours... his disloyalty is yours. I no longer believe in your promises... or your ability to care for anyone but him you have become her and just like her everything else and everyone else comes 3rd to his needs. I can't talk when you're near the tears that I refuse to let fall clog up my throat. The sadness of knowing that you will never change takes my voice.
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