Blog Award
I want to say thanks to lil miss Sauniya' for tagging me in this award and posting my link on her blog. Muah!
So the award comes with these rules:
1. Thank the person who tagged you and link their blog.
2. Put the Top 10 award logo on your blog.
3. List your top 10 cosmetics.
4. Choose 10 bloggers to tag, link their blogs and let them know
So although I love make-up I don't have a top 10 best. I just use a very small amount of stuff but here goes
I LOVE cover up it's the one thing in my make-up bag I can't live without
1. Black Opal flawless concealer for Ethnic Skin
2. A bronzer... I don't really have one that I think is better than any other I just have to have one that
works for me
3. Cover girl eye shadow. I love a smoky eye with maybe a pink or pretty blue to blend it with... but I
only do that for my night time face
4. Last but the very key for me is a pretty lip. It doesn't matter if its a nice cool mystic pink or a popping red
or even a clear gloss I think your lips should always look ready for either a kiss or a photo
.... I also like to use pure Shea Butter before putting on make-up for dry skin and even make-up cover (not recommended for summer) it's also good w/o make-up or at night (not if you have problem skin or very oily skin
I know that I didn't really name any products but I don't have any that I just die for. As a girl on a budget I have learned that even though high end products are nice sometimes they aren't any better than the cheap stuff.
Shapely Louise
That good good blog
tha unpretentious narcissist
You don't like my Opinion thats fine
Beauty in rare form
Not 10 but ppl I look in on often... its been a while since I've had some blog time.
Don't forget to check in on lil miss Sauniya'
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