
I don't really know how I feel today. In the mist of a "dating thing" that I don't think will work.... wait ...I know won't work. I just don't like him as much as I want to. I really want to ask someone married 'How did you know?' 'Did you just settle?'... I don't want to just go through the motions with someone. I want to really be in to it... BE THERE! not wishing I was home with a good book while sitting in front of him.
Wondering if its possible I missed my chance on being happy in love .... I keep dating random guys ..and .....nothing. I'm not willing to settle for anyone less then someone I can be friends with. There was this guy a while back that I was close with who was a good guy ... I may have ended it b/c he had a small penis... well I did end it for those reasons. I know that sex is not everything BUT it is a big part of the relationship.... I don't know people. I do believe that sex can become less important when you have love but come on people we all want it to be goooooood
No lesson on life in this blog ...I frankly feel kinda blah.
Wondering if its possible I missed my chance on being happy in love .... I keep dating random guys ..and .....nothing. I'm not willing to settle for anyone less then someone I can be friends with. There was this guy a while back that I was close with who was a good guy ... I may have ended it b/c he had a small penis... well I did end it for those reasons. I know that sex is not everything BUT it is a big part of the relationship.... I don't know people. I do believe that sex can become less important when you have love but come on people we all want it to be goooooood
No lesson on life in this blog ...I frankly feel kinda blah.
5 reasons ppl divorce http://www.associatedcontent.com/article/35097/top_reasons_people_divorce.html?cat=7
Poor communication
Change in priorities. This can be caused by having kids or due to ones job, big things.
Lack of commitment to the marriage.
Sexual problems.
Poor communication
Change in priorities. This can be caused by having kids or due to ones job, big things.
Lack of commitment to the marriage.
Sexual problems.

The average penis size chart was classic. LOL
Im married so to answer your question: I knew he was the one when I saw him for the FIRST time in school. 11th grade year. He was "silent sexy". Then we were formally introduced. We had a lot in common, shared the same family goals, wanted things out of life. The kisses were passionate. The laughter was neverending. We fought and we moved on and learned from each other. I knew he was the one when he became my best friend and I became his. 6 1/2 years and 2 kids later, I was right. :)
About sex: VEEEEEEEEEERY IMPORTANT! We didnt have sex until 10 months in..10 days after graduation. He was my first. The love was already there so if it was bad, I wouldnt have minded. BUT as adults it doesnt work that way. You have sex before love and if its not good love doeosnt develop. I think you are entitled to WANT a man who can please you and if hes not packin the appropriate size to do so, then his lost.
DONT SETTLE! Settling ends poorly for everyone. You'll end up miserable and divorced. Nothing is wrong with standards. :)
Hi Pamikea, Thanks for following me, I'm following you now too...although I don't see my picture up there??? I'll check later. Anyway, so we're struggling with finding Mr. Right are we....there's an old saying that says when we first fall in love with ourselves the man of life will show up. Take a break, do some inner work...the Sedona Method is a powerful tool. You can get the book second-hand on amazon for $3-4. Love is all around you but you can see it/feel it because that vibration doesn't match what's on your inside. You'll see and you'll be just fine. I'll be back to post again okay. - Haupi
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