I want to be in love. Crazy head over heels love. Heart racing, mind wondering smile stuck on my face love. I miss love. It has been a really long time since I felt that happy just b/c he's with me feeling, and I so want it back again. Recently my cousin who is somewhere around 50 told me that it is always better when he likes (love)you more then you like him. I believe her since I have had my heart broken but can we just love each other the same? I just really want to fall and land on the floor beside him.
For the past few years (4) I have been so afraid of having my heart broken that I have been really hard on guys and in fact have only been dating guys I could keep at a distance...but I'm sick of it. I want to freakin be in love. I want my pulse to race when the phone rings and to stay on the phone with him for hours that seems like seconds, laughing and talking. I want to be able to pick up the phone to "hey baby" (which I never allow men to call me)and loose my breath. I'm so ready for it.
I don't think that love is easy by any means BUT I'm ready to work at it. I'll be 27 this year and my dream of marrying at 25 is in the past. Now I'm just hoping it happens before 30. I don't want to be one of those people who just settle I want to be swept off my feet even if as a realist I know the feeling is bound to diminish and become harder to attain as time pass.
For the past few years (4) I have been so afraid of having my heart broken that I have been really hard on guys and in fact have only been dating guys I could keep at a distance...but I'm sick of it. I want to freakin be in love. I want my pulse to race when the phone rings and to stay on the phone with him for hours that seems like seconds, laughing and talking. I want to be able to pick up the phone to "hey baby" (which I never allow men to call me)and loose my breath. I'm so ready for it.
I don't think that love is easy by any means BUT I'm ready to work at it. I'll be 27 this year and my dream of marrying at 25 is in the past. Now I'm just hoping it happens before 30. I don't want to be one of those people who just settle I want to be swept off my feet even if as a realist I know the feeling is bound to diminish and become harder to attain as time pass.
1 comment
I enjoyed your blog about this topic i can definitely relate, I want love and definitely look forward to that day it truly comes my way. I see and hear from your musical play list that you definitely want romance and I hope you find it with your Mr. Right that is for you and Don't settle but be open for love. I know you wanted to have that person already by now, but life has a way of going about thing in another way. I wish you the best in your conquest in love=)
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