I haven't seriously considered writing in this blog in a really long time, but I am really rethinking it. I never wrote in this blog, or any other, because I wanted readers.. although they are nice lol. I wrote because it was an outlet, a way for me to release some stress and I have always been better (despite my spelling) at writing things, feelings, emotions down, and frankly because I'm good at expressing myself this way. It doesn't always come out the way I want it to, but at the least it's out there. So I am so about to restart doing this. In the IG, SC, FB world (all of which I have) it's not likely to be read BUT .. Oh Well.
This blog was brought to my attention by some negativity but this blog was never negative it was always about...Just Me. Just Mieka, my life, my thoughts, ... ME. So please allow me reintroduce myself.
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