I'm a shoot first think later kind of person ... I so have to think about this.. Every single action doesn't deserve a reaction, but I promise I have a issue with addressing things the correct way. I will never be the kind of person who lashes out at people for no reason but I also am not the type of person who can let a insult to my character go... even if the person making the insult knows very little about me. GOSH!!! I so have to work on that. Everything people say .... Nothing people say, should matter when it's not the truth.. or at least that's what they say BUT people it is so hard to fight a lie when it gets out there and when you work daily to become simply who you are ... Who is anyone else to come along and attempt to break that down or take that away? Reason and age tells me that all to often people who make slap judgments or outright lie on other people have some serious issues but at what point do you step in and say F...umm Freak you?
lololol.. anyway just a post to replace the last post
Still Me....
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