
Not really sure how I feel today but I know that I want to ...write... guess I can tell you all about whats going on right now huh?... NOTHING lol my car is crazy and I have yet to here back from  the job I interviewed for ... no worries at least not just this second I'm still hopeful ... they're doing a background check which I know don't take long but I'll give it another day before I freak out... have yet to take the car to the shop but as I said I will do it once I hear back from the maybe tomorrow... but definitely by Saturday. I have a class today ...2 really. I haven't been to my history class in forever ...good thing he doesn't have an attendance policy.. ok bad news I haven't walked since last week .... yeah I know I know bad me... I do plan on getting back on the ball I haven't lost my momentum I just been a lil anxious about this job and to be honest I don't want to take my car out til its unavoidable ..I am not a stuck by the side of the rode type of girl... and a lil lazy. anyway there you have it... oh I may have forgotten that my best friend whom I love asked me if I was going to buy her a mothers day gift ummmm
1. no job
2. stupid car..I can't afford to fix..
3. no money
4. you know all're my bestie who I talk to daily
5. you still haven't worn the dress I gave you for mother's day last year
6. Now this is a question for everyone...Is it ok for unsingles to expect or ask for a gift from single friends when since I don't have kids I can't get one from you?... just asking
I would love to be able to buy her a gift but come on bestie you know I have no know how depressed I am about the situation. How can I buy you a needless gift when I can't do something for myself that I need.