Day 1- Walking

Ok so I finally started walking today and I feel so good about this. Its been a really loooooonnng time since I have even tried to diet..much less exercise... but I'm back in business. I went walking today with a friend of mine.. an old co-worker and new classmate, who's also plus sized. She's going though a divorce right now and she just really need a this is her start.
Me? I'm just sick of being limited by my size. Sick of shopping for hours at select stores..only to still find nothing, sick of feeling tired at the smallest amount of walking... and simply sick of being this fat...I need a change and this is my start.
So wish me luck bloggers.. I so need to stick to it this time .. I will let you know how its going... 
 Oh I have also cut all my hair off and I'm going natural perms.... omg the hair is a mess right coming soon.. I'll try to remember to start taking at lest one full body shot a month so you can see my rtprogress... maybe start up another blog about this journey I'm embarking on....My leg is K-I-L-L-I-N-G killing me...