Still Fat... Still Pretty

Hello all!! Lately I have been bloging about weight and how much I have lost due to the issues that I had with my health this summer. Well I'm done telling you all the numbers, from now on I will just be letting you know if I am still losing or if I'm not. The reason I'm doing this is really just because I don't want anyone trying to figure out how much I used to weight.. I mean I am a big girl... :) but right now as confident as I am I am not in a place where I can tell everyone just how big I am .. or was. So no more numbers.. Just know that at this point I am still a Fat Girl. .... and still very much a Pretty Girl. ... and still loosing.
I don't want to be a 6 like Ms. Jennifer Hudson but hey I would love to be a ummm 12 maybe, I don't know yall. I have been a big girl all my life really.. I have no idea what I would look like at even a size 18..but I plan to see lol and when it happens I will be sure to put up some full body pics so you can to.
That brings me to something else ... the reason that I now don't have any full body pics is because I'm always using a cell to take the day yall I'ma get some camera shots on here.
Ok yall I know I have said this before but I am in love with my hair. I'm not sure that I would have liked it this much before the weight loss... but I so love the way it looks on me... I'm hoping that it grows fast so that I can so rock some more styles.. but believe me I will find a way to change even this I'm all about cute new, and different.